The latest Doyle Inn training, open to members of all Colorado Inns, entitled “How to Navigate Private Practice-What You Need to Know” was held April 15, 2015 with a great turn-out. The two-hour CLE included a panel discussion on what lawyers need to know before entering into private practice. The topics included: the importance of finding a mentor, partner’s expectations-what the new attorney should know, finding the right Firm-fit, work/life balance, mistakes to avoid as a new attorney at a firm, transitioning to partner, and solo/small firm practice.

The Training was organized and moderated by Elizabeth J.M. Howard of Childs McCune. The instructors on the panel included John Tatlock, Special Counsel at Harris Family Law, Craig May, Partner at Wheeler, Trigg and O’Donnell, Nancy Rodgers, Partner at Kissinger & Fellman, John Watson, Partner Bernbaum Weinshienk, P.C., and Wadi Muhaisen, Partner Muhaisen & Muhaisen, LLC.

The Doyle Inn once again thanks Holland & Hart, LLP for hosting the training at their Downtown Denver office.