September 27, 2017 – The Judge Goldberg Group presented “Hot Topics in Immigration Law and Policy” for the September Inn meeting. The guest panelists included Jeff Joseph, Senior Partner with the Joseph Law Firm, P.C.; and John Canedy, Deputy Chief Counsel for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), who was joined by Michael Williams the Community Relations Offivcer for the ICE Denver Field Office. The panel and the members had an informative and widely ranging discussion about pressing immigration legal and policy issues ranging from the administration’s enforcement priorities and methods to the possible fates of Deferred Action recipients.
Our guests can be reached at:
John Canedy, Deputy Chief Counsel for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Michael Williams Community Relations Officer, Denver Field Office (CO/UT/WY/NV/MT/ID)
Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement
Community Engagement/Office of Public Affairs
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Jeff Joseph. Esq.
Senior Partner
Director of Corporate Immigration & Employer Compliance
Joseph Law Firm