Judge Harris Group Presents on United States Supreme Court

January 30, 2018 – The Harris Group presented the fascinating “Behind the Scenes at the SCOTUS: An Insider’s Guide to How Things Really Work at the Supreme Court and What’s on the Horizon” at the January  Doyle Inn Dinner.  The panel, comprised of three former Supreme Court clerks and the longtime Slate Supreme Court correspondent, gave the members insights about the nation’s highest court and many other related issues.


From left: Hon. Elizabeth Harris, Dahlia Lithwick, Hon. Pamela Harris, Andrew Baak, Esq., and Hon. Melissa Hart.


From left: Dahlia Lithwick, Hon. Pamela Harris, Andrew Baak, Esq., and Hon. Melissa Hart.


Dahlia Lithwick at Slate

Justice Melissa Hart – Colorado Supreme Court

Judge Pamela Harris – U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

Andrew Baak, Esq. – Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott LLP